Quality Comment

Hi everyone,

I hope you’re having a great day. Today I’m going to be teaching you the 5 essential steps to a quality comment. 

Number 1:

Add something you like.

It’s always polite to add something you liked, and the odds are, that you will like something. It doesn’t have to be a very long sentence just a short little mention in your quality comment. This is a very important part of your comment.

Number 2:

Write a connection or something you can relate to.

It always feels nice to be able to relate to someone, isn’t it? It can be something unique or something lots of people have in common. This step isn’t essential but it definitely brings your comment to a higher standard.

Number 3:

Add a question.

If you add a question it sparks a conversation between you and the writer. Also, if the writer added a question, then you can respond to them in your comment. Questions are a great way to connect with people, in person, or online.

Number 4:

Write some feedback

It’s always helpful to give someone feedback. If you say something constructive (keep it nice), they can improve and make their work better, or if you say something they did well in their post, they can be sure to do that next time.

Number 5:

Always sign in and out.

This is very looked over because it goes without saying. Introduce yourself and say hello to the reader. And also it’s good to sign off because that indicates who you are. You can even have a special sign off, mine is good vibes only, Gabby.

I hope these steps help you write a quality comment. I have a challenge for you. Write your own comment on this post using as many of these steps as you can.

Good vibes only, Gabby

A Bit About Me

Dear wonderful world,
I am here today to tell you a little bit about myself. Some of you might have been with me longer and have read my other page, but don’t skip this one! This one is a new and updated version.

My name is Gabrielle. I just go by Gabby for short. I have a mum, dad, older brother and doggie.
My dogs name is Lucy. She is a blue with brown Staffordshire terrier. I live in Victoria Australia. I am in year five. ( Super Straford’s Blog ).

Some of my interests are
. Reading
. choir
. Footy
I am a HUGE footy fan thanks to my dad. I go for Richmond (tigers) I am starting to play footy for local club. I am in a few choirs. I love singing. Every time we have a performance me and my friends are extremely excited. I am definitely a classified bookworm. I love to read and have a book collection as tall as me. I spend at least 20 min reading each night.

As for how I look, well some of you might have read my avatar post ( My Avatar Post ) and have a small idea what I look like. I am quite tall, my favourite colour is purple or blue, I have strawberry blonde golden caramel hair (it’s complicated), and lots of freckles. In my avatar I have tried to represent this as best as possible.

I hope you have learnt a bit about me. I would like to know a little bit about you in the comments.
What are some of your favourite hobbies or interests and why?
Good vibes only, Gabby.

My Amazing Avatar

Hi everyone,
Happy new day. As one of our online tasks we have joined a blogging competition. The first task was to create a new avatar. Our second challenge was to write a blog post about our avatar. So that’s what I’ll be doing today.

Some of you might not know what an avatar is. An avatar is a picture that represents you on the Internet. You can create an avatar based on what you look like or use your creativity and come up with a character. Today I will be talking about my avatar.

My Avatar

I decided to base my avatar on how I look. My avatar has a blue hoody, a messy low ponytail, and a pail skin tone. My hair is a unique colour that not many people have. It is semi like strawberry blonde with hints of gold and orange. It is hard to make this apparent in art so I make a custom orangey blonde colour.

We made our avatars online with an amazing link one of our classmates found. If you want to make a avatar online I strongly recommend using this link right here ( Click this link )

This was reasonably short post for me, but I think I have said what I think and what I need.
What features would you give your avatar?
Good vibes only, Gabby.

Lovely Library

Hello wonderful world,

This term we have started to explore many genres in library. Some genres i have been drawn to are history, comedy and some fantasies such as Harry Potter and with a few classics, but the one I have been drawn to the most is history. I hav really been into the early or late 18 or 1900s, and especially WWII. I have always been interested in history but I’m really enjoying it at the moment.

One of the books I’ve loved is Anne Frank’s Diary. I loved it because it was a great source of information and isn’t hiding anything. I recommend this book to people like me who are interested in the holocaust. It is a quite sad situation, but a vital piece of history.

At my school how I’ve mentioned in a previous blog post we have something called book chat. Book chat is were there are a variety of books you can choose from, you read the book you chose over a few weeks, then chat about the book you chose with people who chose the same book. (Hint the name book chat.) At the moment, my book chat book is Saving Winslow. It’s a beautiful story about a boy who meets an injured donkey, every adult thinks he will die, but Louie has hope in the donkey. He tries to nurse the donkey back to   have to read the book to find out what happens. So far I love how it’s a heartwarming lovely story, with a few hidden story lines underneath the surface.

What is your favourite book genre and why?

Good vibes only, Gabby.

My Fabulous First Month

Hi guys,

Happy New Year! Sorry I haven’t posted in a while, but I have moved up to year 5! I am apart of AMAZING 5SD! We have a wonderful Teacher, Mrs Straford. We have been here nearly a whole MONTH! We have been discovering some amazing things, let me tell you about them.

Our focus this term is brain science. We are learning about the emotional brain and the smart brain, we have learnt about neutrons and have done a fun experiment. We have been trying to test our brain by learning juggling. The reason we are learning how to juggle is to show how we have many paths in our brain, and the neutrons pass through them, but there are little gaps in each path. So you have to practise to build a bridge so the neutrons can pass through better and it’s easier.

As some of you may know, this year we have many many new kids. They have all started blogging this year. At first there was a bit of separation, but know we are all one class. Actually, one of my best friend is new to our school this year. (riyas blog insert) 

Even though it’s only the first term, we have quite a few exciting events coming up. This year we have two camps. Next term we have our first year 5 camp. We are going to go to Sovereign Hill. And our next camp will be at the beach. We also have a homemade market the whole school goes to, and a play we write and act about Australian History. So I will always be looking forward to something.

And something very exciting has happened to me. In our school each grade has two student representatives for the grade. All the students vote for a boy and a girl. And I surprisingly got it. I have tried every year and always came very close. This year I finally got it. And in last weeks assembly, me and my partner got a badge from the Principal. It’s been a wonderful first term so far.

This first month has been great, and I can’t believe we are halfway through the term. I have a feeling this year will be a great year.

Good Vibes only, Gabby.

Good Luck Tips

Dear Future Year 4’s,

I hear you’re coming up to 4LX next year.


Here’s three things you should know:

• Make sure you organise time to do your homework each night, because the expectations are much higher, like more spelling and maths and integrated.

•  Always listen to your teacher and work super hard because that will help you understand everything a lot better.

•Even If you are separated from your best friends, try to spread out and make new ones to widen your friend group.


A couple of things to look forward to are:

•  Camp, because you have a lot of fun in the activities and in free time. P.S learn how to play Gaga ball.

•  Learning how to touch type is very useful and once you get used to it, it’s really easy.
A time I laughed was when we were practicing the nativity and we all added in a bunch of jokes.

A time I was challenged was when we had to do all the spelling tests and we had an extra hard one.

I am proud of how much I have grown and learnt this much this year and made new friends.

I always remember Mrs Lennox saying focus and have fun.

Good luck and Good vibes only, Gabby.

Notorious Nativity

“Where Jesus is born does not change his greatness Joseph, and he will be great,” gently responded Mary  preparing to give birth to The lord. This is a line from our 4T NATIVITY! 4T have been writing, practising and performing our very own original nativity. 

I was Mary in our Nativity, but it took a lot of work. The first step was to write each scene. Then we had to audition for the part we wanted. I was really nervous for what I would get, but when I was going through the parts and I saw I was Mary, I was over the moon! Then after we were and sorted, we had to practise and practise as much as we could, it took a lot of work and a little while, we harps finally made it to the nursing home to perform. We had to make few adjustments, but in the end, we were pretty good. Then, the day after, we were performing for a year two class and our relatives. We were great! All of us knew our scenes, lines and had really smooth transitions.

Here are some of the scenes that occurred in our nativity.

A challenge through the process was when I had to audition in front of all my friends and try my best. Overall I really enjoyed seeing everybody else perform and having fun.

What type of nativity would you like to perform, accurate or funny and why?

Good vibes only, Gabby.

Notorious Nativity

“Where Jesus is born does not change his greatness Joseph, and he will be great,” gently responded Mary  preparing to give birth to The lord. This is a line from our 4T NATIVITY! 4T have been writing, practising and performing our very own original nativity. 

I was Mary in our Nativity, but it took a lot of work. The first step was to write each scene. Then we had to audition for the part we wanted. I was really nervous for what I would get, but when I was going through the parts and I saw I was Mary, I was over the moon! Then after we were and sorted, we had to practise and practise as much as we could, it took a lot of work and a little while, we harps finally made it to the nursing home to perform. We had to make few adjustments, but in the end, we were pretty good. Then, the day after, we were performing for a year two class and our relatives. We were great! All of us knew our scenes, lines and had really smooth transitions.

A challenge through the process was when I had to audition in front of all my friends and try my best. Overall I really enjoyed seeing everybody else perform and having fun.

What type of nativity would you like to perform, accurate or funny?

Good vibes only, Gabby.

Delightful Dioramas

This term we have been learning about natural disasters. We got to pick our top three favourite natural disasters, then the teachers gave us one which we studied and made an information report on our disaster. I researched and wrote my information report on tsunamis.

We ended the unit by creating a diorama on our natural disaster to show our understanding and what we’ve learnt throughout the unit, then shared them with our year 2 buddies. Here is my Diorama:

Whilst creating my diorama I most enjoyed making my massive wave even though it was a bit of trial and error and took a lot of persistence.

What type of natural disaster would you like to research and why.

Good vibes only, Gabby.

Great GRA STEAM Challenge

We are participating in the GRA. GRA is when participating classes read one book all over the world and share opinions. The book chosen this year is Front Desk

The book is about a girl and her Chinese immigrant family trying to make their way in America by working at a motel for a mean man.

So far I have enjoyed learning about how immigrants may be feeling in really tough times.

To challenge our creative thinking, we were given challenges that Mia has faced in the book. I chose to think about how to alert immigrants if Mr Yao is coming.

Here is my plan:

What would you put to show Mr Yao wasn’t here or here? 

Good vibes only, Gabby.